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Raymarine case study: A new life on a hundred-year story

Raymarine case study: A new life on a hundred-year story

Since 1923, Raymarine has been a trusted, leading name in the marine electronics industry. But, due to stiff competition and product-forward advertising, their brand story was getting lost in a sea of sameness for their boaters and anglers in the United States. The writing was on the wall: They had to do something different. And that’s exactly what we did.

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Leave doubt in your wake

When it comes to marine equipment, there is no room for error and doubt. Boaters and anglers need reliable products they can count on. So, we tapped into that emotional need in order to give Raymarine a new, refined voice that exudes confidence, rugged reliability and trust. We combined influencer partnerships, lifestyle branding and creative storytelling to deliver a brand refresh and 360 campaign that spoke directly to the hearts of those who dare the deep.

Coast Guard stamp of approval

There’s saying your product is trustworthy, and then there’s actually backing it up. The fact that the U.S. Coast Guard was already relying on Raymarine only reinforced our messaging, and having them as brand ambassadors spoke volumes to our audience.

Not just a new brand.
A campaign with bite to launch it.

From the logo to becoming a lifestyle brand, we made a significant shift, found a compelling new storyline and reinvigorated the brand to be forward-thinking yet in tune with the lifestyle of boaters and anglers. We helped support it on the website, as well as through an integrated digital and social media plan to break through the noise.

Putting the pros at the helm of the story

We also partnered with a wide network of pro ambassadors and influencers to capture their own content and show just how well Raymarine’s equipment holds up, even in the toughest waters.

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Graebel case study: An interactive DEI journey inspires next-level outcomes

Graebel case study: An interactive DEI journey inspires next-level outcomes

Diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) has become an important part of many corporate agendas. Graebel knew that its experts could provide strategic recommendations and support to clients wherever they are on their DEI journey. But first, mobility leaders would need to recognize that they could be a catalyst for transformative DEI in their organizations.

Connecting the dots between global mobility and DEI

Prior to launching Graebel® DEI Consulting Services, a first-to-market solution in this space, Graebel, a leading global relocation management company (RMC), set out to educate key audiences about the potential role of the mobility team in building diversity, equity and inclusion. An interactive digital experience called the “Next-Level DEI Journey” became a key tool to build Graebel’s subject authority and inspire a new league of DEI change makers.

Crystalizing a strong POV

To create this asset, we started with category and competitive research, as well as interviews with subject matter experts in both mobility and DEI. Observations and insights were synthesized into a point of view report, which led to a Unique Buying Proposition® (UBP) and a set of key messages. We then crafted a tight narrative that would anchor the interactive journey and all supporting marketing materials. Boiled down to its simplest form, the beats of the DEI narrative were:

1. DEI is the right thing to do—from a cultural and business standpoint.

2. Mobility professionals are uniquely suited to unlock the potential of DEI. 

3. Graebel can help you take DEI from baseline activities to something transformative.

A next-level digital experience takes shape

Built on the interactive content platform Ceros, the experience begins by inviting users to jump into a path—Diversity, Equity or Inclusion. The user is then oriented to the journey, a spectrum of maturity in the context of global mobility.

Users explore the three stages of the journey, at each step unpacking what it means from the vantage point of the mobile employee, the mobility team and the organization. Like any great digital experience, it’s most interesting when you try it for yourself.

Persuasion through resonance and relevance

The strategic use of motion, color, iconography and navigational cues guide the user seamlessly through the journey paths while allowing them to pop in and out fluidly. We built persuasion into the experience in multiple ways: 

Quotations in the voice of the employee establish empathy.

Statistics add evidence and credibility to fuel cross-functional buy-in.

Actionable steps make progress feel within reach.

“What I love most about the DEI experience that we created together is its utility. Our sales teams use it in relationship-building conversations. Our client teams use it to gauge readiness and build roadmaps. And it gives prospective clients another great reason to consider Graebel.” 

– Tasha Johnson, VP Global Marketing | Graebel

Graebel case study: Proving “people first” is second to none

Graebel case study: Proving "people first" is second to none

Throughout its 70+ year history, Graebel has maintained a reputation for authenticity and high-touch service. Its brand promise, “people-first mobility,” is true through and through. Yet, in early 2023, a key competitor was beginning to look and sound a lot like Graebel. This ABM campaign proved that a brand is more than skin deep and that Graebel’s people-first mobility promise is second to none.

Using ABM to show you’re un-copycat-able

Well beyond a logo or tagline, brand is how a company shows up in the world, how it approaches challenges and how it delivers on its promises. Graebel, a leading global relocation management company (RMC), has been uniquely living its people-first mobility belief—and brand—for decades. But lately, it seemed like everyone (including a large, key competitor) was jumping on the “customer-centric” bandwagon—and Graebel had something to say about it.

Through the ABM program, we needed to make clear that people-first mobility with Graebel is not just a surface-level claim. It’s a promise. Following a thoughtful ramp-up that included a Martech Stack Audit, ABM Readiness Assessment, Martech Roadmap and Sales and Marketing internal alignment and buy-in, we launched a 1:Few program targeting 62 accounts that had existing contracts with or were displaying intent toward this key competitor.

Preparing the roadmap

With multiple decision makers in the mix, we needed to fire on all cylinders—channel, content, creative and tech strategy—to differentiate Graebel and plant seeds of doubt against our competitor. Working closely with the Sales team, we identified our target accounts. We assessed the health of account and contact data in Graebel’s database leveraging Demandbase and RampedUp while also acquiring contacts using SalesIntel to ensure we adequately covered the buying syndicate.  

To maximize reach and engagement, we planned online and offline touches coming from both Marketing and Sales. Content and creative would need to be clutter-busting, insightful and resonant. And martech would need to undergird everything, helping orchestrate and automate a complex program with ease. 

An unwavering creative concept

With competitors evolving toward more customer-centric positioning and messaging, the apparent contrast between them and Graebel was diminishing. But people-first mobility is more than skin deep, and Graebel had a set of values and ways of conducting business that were 100% un-copycat-able. Our creative needed to affirm our strengths and challenge assumptions without slinging mud at competitors—because that would be so un-Graebel.

The resulting concept was undeniably on brand but with a proud and polished swagger. The campaign headline that anchored all creative assets (“Often imitated. Never duplicated.”) made clear that while others may waffle or overpromise, Graebel maintains an unwavering focus on people-first mobility.

A people-first program

We developed an ambitious, multi-channel, multi-touch campaign that spanned three phases over several months.


The Awareness phase was about getting on the radar and planting seeds of doubt. Through email (deployed via Pardot), content syndication and LinkedIn, educational content on global mobility trends and creating exceptional relocation experiences took center stage.


The Engage phase was all about nurturing the relationship. Inbound activity through personalized Demandbase display banners and LinkedIn paid social drew audiences into the campaign story, while outbound email linking to Uberflip-hosted landing pages sent key messages out. A Drift custom chatbot encouraged direct Sales outreach.

The nexus of activity was an industry expert-led, Zoom-hosted webinar. Contacts were sent a personalized direct mail gift that invited them to attend an insightful discussion on the criticality of people-first mobility—and how to begin making the switch if they’re dissatisfied with their current RMC. By integrating Zoom with Pardot, we were able to then surround registrants and attendees to the webinar with Sales and Marketing reminder emails and branded follow-up content.


The Connect phase aimed to secure Sales conversations with highly engaged contacts. Sales took the lead by sending a personalized video via Drift and LinkedIn InMail. Marketing emails supported the program with bottom-of-funnel, credibility-building content.

An ABM victory

Within three months, we achieved 98.4% account engagement and 36% conversion through new contact information acquisition. What’s more, as a direct result of the ABM campaign, active sales opportunities, representing millions in potential revenue, are in motion. By staying true to their brand and following foundational ABM practices like smart targeting, savvy orchestration and strong creative, Graebel proved that “people-first mobility” belonged to them and them alone.

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In Pipeline

“We’ve been on a journey to experiment with ABM. 

This pilot validated how powerful account-based can be, both externally and internally, 
when done right. It was a really big deal for us, and I couldn’t be more thrilled with 
what we’ve achieved together.” 

– VP, Global Marketing | Graebel
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