We are Marketbridge.

Growth consulting and marketing for modern leaders.

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Ready to reinvent growth? Let's connect.

STEM is for all

STEM is for all

Today, only 4% of scientists and engineers are Black and Latina women. How are Black and Latina girls who love STEM supposed to look at that number and be optimistic? Science Club for Girls is here to change that by making STEM more accessible, particularly to those in underrepresented communities.

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Today it’s 4%.
Tomorrow it’s…

Our job was to generate momentum and excitement around the work that Science Club for Girls is doing—and to motivate donors to be part of this empowering, inclusive new chapter in STEM. How? We crafted a compelling brand visual identity and powerful messaging platform and launched an integrated awareness campaign that energized and inspired people to take action. The big idea: We’re shaping a better tomorrow for girls in STEM today.

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Honoring the past while
moving toward the future 

The integrated campaign celebrates how much progress we’ve made in STEM today and honors the women in STEM who have already overcome the odds to get to where they are. But while 4% is worth celebrating, we also have more work to do. We paired powerful brand visuals and messaging with highly strategic media placements to get in front of an influential audience at just the right time.

Every media buy had
stopping power built in

To continually educate,
we built a library of content

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Creating social change. One newsfeed at a time.

Raymarine case study: A new life on a hundred-year story

Raymarine case study: A new life on a hundred-year story

Since 1923, Raymarine has been a trusted, leading name in the marine electronics industry. But, due to stiff competition and product-forward advertising, their brand story was getting lost in a sea of sameness for their boaters and anglers in the United States. The writing was on the wall: They had to do something different. And that’s exactly what we did.

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Leave doubt in your wake

When it comes to marine equipment, there is no room for error and doubt. Boaters and anglers need reliable products they can count on. So, we tapped into that emotional need in order to give Raymarine a new, refined voice that exudes confidence, rugged reliability and trust. We combined influencer partnerships, lifestyle branding and creative storytelling to deliver a brand refresh and 360 campaign that spoke directly to the hearts of those who dare the deep.

Coast Guard stamp of approval

There’s saying your product is trustworthy, and then there’s actually backing it up. The fact that the U.S. Coast Guard was already relying on Raymarine only reinforced our messaging, and having them as brand ambassadors spoke volumes to our audience.

Not just a new brand.
A campaign with bite to launch it.

From the logo to becoming a lifestyle brand, we made a significant shift, found a compelling new storyline and reinvigorated the brand to be forward-thinking yet in tune with the lifestyle of boaters and anglers. We helped support it on the website, as well as through an integrated digital and social media plan to break through the noise.

Putting the pros at the helm of the story

We also partnered with a wide network of pro ambassadors and influencers to capture their own content and show just how well Raymarine’s equipment holds up, even in the toughest waters.

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HealthEdge case study: A rebrand with an edge

A HealthEdge case study: A rebrand with an edge

Digital solutions provider HealthEdge has a mission to help health plans transform from traditional organizations limited by siloed, manual solutions into transparent, modern digital payers. But as HealthEdge grew, that narrative was becoming blurred. They needed a new way to unify and communicate that message to their customers and prospects—visually and conceptually, from corner to corner of their brand.
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A new look, launch and collateral

We provided a visual identity refresh, unified messaging and a brand story that elevates their platform. Anchored by the tagline “Become a digital payer,” we paired messaging around the idea of enabling a connective transformation with a strong, distinctly modern and sophisticated visual language.

A sharper identity to match their vision

The new logo leverages an exponent that we refer to as “The Edge.” It’s suggestive of their evolving line of products and services and their mission to always push the healthcare industry forward. As we’ve been expanding their story and visuals, the one constant is HealthEdge’s desire to lead an industry that has been desperate for a voice. Our approach complements that notion in a way that’s visually impactful without being overpowering.

FIS case study: Hyper-targeted 1: Few campaign creates “More Than” a feeling

FIS case study:
Hyper-targeted 1:Few campaign creates “More Than” a feeling

With the acquisition of payment processing company Worldpay, FinTech leader FIS had more to offer its customers than ever before. Problem was, the new Worldpay client base didn’t know about all the additional solutions FIS could bring to the table. Here’s how Marketbridge and FIS launched a highly targeted 1:Few ABM campaign that built awareness and drove action with key accounts.

A mission to change perceptions

For B2B retailers across the United States and around the world, 2020 was anything but business as usual. Facing significant and increasing complexity in achieving their goals—under the shadow of a global pandemic, no less—even some of the largest merchants have had to pivot, adapt and reinvent to stay in the game.

The plan takes shape

Working with Marketbridge, FIS launched a highly targeted 1:Few ABM campaign aimed at raising awareness, changing perceptions and building relationships with senior decision makers at 13 existing top accounts, including many of the biggest companies in the U.S. retail sector. We started by assessing the state of existing company/contact data across key titles and target audiences and mapped value propositions for each of our 13 accounts. Data gaps were identified and filled. Personas added depth and a human lens. 

Account-customized creative connects and inspires

The lead creative was simple, smart and salient—and highly personalized by account. Through catchy, alliterative headlines, account-customized illustrations and brand colors that hailed the account without specifically naming it (at least at first!), the concept spoke to the power of reinvention for accelerated business success.

Early engagement sends strong signals

After only a few months in-market, this hyper-targeted campaign has delivered over 3.5M impressions and generated 10,000+ clicks—all from key decision makers at top-priority accounts. What’s more, all ad units are outperforming industry benchmarks, a testament to the power of such unique account-based personalization.


accounts targeted

0 M

impressions served

5000 +

clicks generated

“This campaign has set the bar high for future FIS ABM 1:Few programs. 
The “More Than” concept provided a strong creative foundation to engage accounts 
in a highly personalized and scalable way. And that’s what best-in-breed ABM is all about.”

— Christina Handy
| VP, Account-Based Marketing, FIS

Bitrise case study: Buckle up for a really good campaign story

Bitrise case study: Buckle up for a really good campaign story

Following a recent round of Series C funding, Bitrise—the world’s first and only Mobile DevOps company—needed to build mindshare and market share…and fast. To do it, they needed to convince tech leaders and their development teams at big financial institutions that when it comes to creating extraordinary app experiences, the best things in life aren’t free.

Making the case for mobile-first

Mobile has made huge leaps forward in the past couple of years. To stay relevant and competitive, organizations that jockey for consumer attention and membership, like banks and insurance firms, have to go all-in on apps. At the same time, developing for mobile has become infinitely more complex, and legacy approaches simply can’t cut it in a mobile-first world. Free, open-source platforms—the kind traditional web experiences are built on—were never made for mobile. And it shows, manifesting on the back end as sluggish builds, bottlenecks and a ton of manual (read: risk-laden) work.

We needed to shift
the mental model

Bitrise had a strong product offering and an exciting brand. But to drive awareness and consideration, we needed to shift the mental model and convince tech leaders that investing in a Mobile DevOps platform and retooling their development protocols is better than having a mobile-first competitor snatch your customer base.

Selecting and segmenting for campaign success

Leveraging the predictive intelligence capabilities of ABM platform 6sense, Bitrise identified ~200 accounts in the financial services space that fit their ICP and showed a strong likelihood to purchase a solution like theirs. Marketbridge validated the account selection and acquired contacts to fill coverage gaps across the buying committee through sales intelligence platform SalesIntel. We segmented the audience into two groups—Practitioners (the DevOps doers) and Tech Leaders (the budget-holders), creating unique messaging and mapping content that would resonate with each audience’s motivations, challenges and goals.

Creative unites agility and security (Yes, really!)

The Bitrise brand is playful, confident and attention-getting. To amplify it for ABM, we needed to inject relevance for a finance audience whose main objective is maximizing app experience while minimizing risk. “Buckle up with Bitrise” became our rally cry, suggesting a sense of security but also an impending takeoff.

Our creative big idea focused on the elements of Bitrise’s platform that resonated strongest with our financial audience: the increased speed of development it offers teams and the comprehensive security features built into the platform.

The GTM play gets personal(ized)

The program kicked off with a “Surround & Nurture” play designed to capture attention and raise awareness. Channels and tactics included account-targeted media (display, native and social) and marketing-led emails that Marketbridge helped implement and deploy across their martech tools and platforms.

The most highly engaged accounts coming out of the “Surround & Nurture” play were funneled to a more highly personalized “Engage & Connect” outbound play focused on generating interest and engagement. Following outbound tactics, contact engagement was evaluated in Marketo using 6sense data and routed to Sales to begin an Outreach email sequence—which was automated on behalf of Sales.

The head-snap moment: account-personalized benchmark experience

Downstream in the “Engage & Connect” play, we directed contacts to a customized digital experience built and hosted in Marketo. Visually, the page was personalized with the account’s logo and name. But that wasn’t the exciting bit. Drawing on data from competitive intelligence platform Apptopia, we benchmarked the account’s mobile app performance against competitors across three key predictors of app store success. For some, the benchmark results were validating; for most, they were a wake-up call.

Buckle up for big results

The program saw wide reach and deep engagement across targeted accounts, and we added hundreds of new contacts into Bitrise’s marketable database for future campaigns. Additionally, we drove impact in buyer journey progression. Using 6sense to benchmark and track pre- and post-campaign buying journey stage movement, we pushed a third of accounts forward 1+ buying stage and grew accounts in Decision and Purchase by 44%. The campaign has gained traction in B2B awards circles as well. “Buckle up with Bitrise” was a finalist in the 2023 B2B Marketing Elevation Awards for Best Account-Based Marketing Program.

The team attributes campaign success to two key factors:

A highly automated campaign

That leveraged a strategic martech stack to deploy and coordinate the cross-channel experience at scale, reducing manual monitoring and management.

Meaningful use of personalization

Across the creative touchpoints, which helped the work stand out and sink in.

0 %

Accounts moved forward 1+ buying stage

0 %

Growth in decision
and purchase stages

0 %+

Decision maker
Leads acquired vs. Target

0 X

Known account

0 s

New contacts added to database

“The level of personalization and automation [Marketbridge] brought to 
this campaign made all the difference. It up-leveled our execution to get 
our message in front of the right eyeballs.”

– Marketing leader | Bitrise

A major rebrand for a consulting giant 

A major rebrand for a consulting giant

In a crowded consulting space dominated by the Big 4, Guidehouse—one of the world’s largest consulting firms—needed branding and messaging that stood out from competitors and demonstrated its ability to help clients take on the toughest challenges at scale. 

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A new look,
launch and collateral

Its new tagline, Outwit Complexity, was based on Guidehouse’s unique expertise at problem-solving. The tagline served as inspiration for a brand-new visual treatment that used stylized topographical maps as a metaphor for the way Guidehouse enables its clients to navigate safely through any challenge. The generous use of white space, dramatic imagery, clean typography and distinctive color palette all combined to give Guidehouse a unique look and feel that set it apart from competitors.

An evolved
web identity

The homepage is the primary venue for telling the Guidehouse story, so we carried the new look and feel to its website by leveraging the new design elements and reinforcing the core message.

A cross-channel rollout

In grand style, we launched static and video-based takeover ads on publications like The Wall Street Journal and Bloomberg, as well as more targeted campaigns to some of Guidehouse’s key verticals and audiences. Presentations, white papers and other collateral were rebranded to tell a consistent and compelling Guidehouse story.

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