Martech Application Implementation

Make martech leaps without upending business. Drawing on deep expertise and experience across martech platforms, tools and processes, we plan, design and perform martech implementation of new SaaS platforms, technology tools or extensions or optimize existing platform implementations and integrations—all to supercharge tech stacks for growth.


Martech Roadmapping & Activation Planning

Identifying the people and processes milestones and constraints is essential for successful implementation. Based on the Martech Strategy and System Architecture, we help clients build martech roadmaps to help focus efforts, resources and processes on what matters most (and when) in driving business impact.

Martech Implementation Design

Implementation Designs outline technical implementation details within a particular martech platform to achieve specific outcomes.  Our work identifies technical details, including when a program or data extension is needed to be executed and the criteria for defining segments within a platform that will be leveraged for dynamic content.

Martech System Implementation & Integration

Comprehensive and efficient martech implementation and integration ensures that the chosen tool or platform effectively supports marketing objectives and workflows. Our team manages the implementation and integration of new technology, ensuring a smooth process that meets data security, compliance and other requirements.

Custom Martech Extensions & Applications

Custom development may be required when an existing tool or platform doesn’t exist or adequately deliver on key requirements and there isn’t time or resources to bring on another, more appropriate tool or platform.  Our experts draw on deep development experience to build custom extensions, apps and programs, including email and landing page templates, to fully support our clients’ business and martech objectives and use cases. 

Martech Application Implementation

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