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An ethnographic approach to drive customer loyalty

An ethnographic approach to drive customer loyalty

Six-step approach to improving the customer experience

Today’s companies are investing heavily into perfecting the design of their product or service. But what often slips through the cracks is the importance of a well-designed experience–from purchasing to getting support, to even returning. These experiences are just as or more important than the product design, and friction points in the experience can greatly impact customer loyalty. Are you aware of the friction points in your customer experience?

Download the framework for a six-step ethnographical approach to improve the customer experience, and get our checklist of nine to-dos to ensure research success.

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What’s Next?

Measuring marketing’s effectiveness

The pressure to measure marketing’s success is on. So, how do marketing and analytics teams truly answer “what’s really working & what’s not?” This whitepaper solves the CMO imperative of proving profitability and measuring marketing effectiveness.

5 areas where CMOs struggle in measuring ROI and where to focus

Despite a progression of technology, methods, and practices, we see 5 key challenges for CMOs driving and measuring ROI over the next decade. Download the whitepaper for an in-depth review of these 5 challenges.

The next decade of Medicare Advantage: 2025 and beyond

Learn how the next decade will reward Medicare Advantage leaders who embrace agility, analytics, and a member-first approach.

Choosing, building, and enabling routes-to-market for high performance

Choosing, building, and enabling routes-to-market for high performance

Designing a channel-centric strategy in seven steps

Today’s companies invest large sums of time and money in product superiority and differentiation, sometimes losing sight of that long-term enterprise value is far more commonly created by go-to-market excellence.

We’ve found that companies focusing on go-to-market and thoughtfully matching their product markets with well-designed and operated channels generate more value over the long run. With these findings, we’ve developed a seven-step guide to designing a successful channel-centric approach.

Download the framework to learn more about our seven-step approach to designing a channel-centric strategy, and to get our checklist of six critical go-dos when embarking on a channel redesign.

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Optimizing B2B return on marketing investment

Optimizing B2B return on marketing investment

Three key inputs to optimize your marketing mix

Achieving the optimal marketing mix is challenging, especially for B2B businesses. Top- and bottom-funnel investments—like brand building, demand generation, and sales enablement—pay off at different rates in different ways and need to be adjusted based on growth goals.

Download the framework for a detailed look at three key inputs and get six critical dos and don’ts to optimize your marketing mix.

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Conducting a data audit to prepare for digital sales transformation

Conducting a data audit to prepare for digital sales transformation

A digitally transformed sales force has seven key traits across “who”, “what”, and “why” data

Digital transformation is a critical topic for most commercial leaders. However, there is a common misconception that digital transformation is largely about picking the right software. In reality, it is much more than that and requires a strong foundational understanding of data and data sources. This foundational data understanding can ultimately make or break your transition to systematic sales decision-making.

Download the framework for seven key traits and get nine actionable tasks to help you prepare for digital sales transformation.

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Building an agile sales enablement program roadmap

Building an agile sales enablement program roadmap

Push beyond basics to deliver measurable ROI and sales innovation

Onboarding and ongoing skills development are now table stakes in the world of sales enablement. As customers enter the sales funnel later, companies must be armed with the right message at the right time for the right customer to drive effective engagement.​

Top-performing sales enablement programs drive deeper seller resonance and program innovation at a market segment or role level to ensure actionability. Our core building blocks of best-in-class sales enablement programs are essential starting points.

Download the framework for four key steps to formalize and actualize an agile sales enablement roadmap.

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Overcoming 3 common barriers to create a data-driven sales culture

Overcoming 3 common barriers to create a data-driven sales culture

Three areas of data-driven sales activation breakdowns

Today’s companies are investing millions in marketing and customer analytics to seek out a competitive edge. But, companies are realizing the return on that investment requires behavior change in sales channels. Are you missing that piece? We’ve seen three common barriers that impede the successful adoption of data-driven insights by your sales channels.

Download the framework for 10 go-dos to break through the three common adoption barriers and drive revenue growth.

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