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STEM is for all

Today, only 4% of scientists and engineers are Black and Latina women. How are Black and Latina girls who love STEM supposed to look at that number and be optimistic? Science Club for Girls is here to change that by making STEM more accessible, particularly to those in underrepresented communities.

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Today it’s 4%.
Tomorrow it’s…

Our job was to generate momentum and excitement around the work that Science Club for Girls is doing—and to motivate donors to be part of this empowering, inclusive new chapter in STEM. How? We crafted a compelling brand visual identity and powerful messaging platform and launched an integrated awareness campaign that energized and inspired people to take action. The big idea: We’re shaping a better tomorrow for girls in STEM today.

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Honoring the past while
moving toward the future 

The integrated campaign celebrates how much progress we’ve made in STEM today and honors the women in STEM who have already overcome the odds to get to where they are. But while 4% is worth celebrating, we also have more work to do. We paired powerful brand visuals and messaging with highly strategic media placements to get in front of an influential audience at just the right time.

Every media buy had
stopping power built in

To continually educate,
we built a library of content

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Creating social change. One newsfeed at a time.

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